Another Child Home: Luke

Expressing one’s gratitude in words can be difficult at times, especially when you’re trying to convey the depth of your appreciation.


“Our family would like to say ‘thank you’ for the incredible generosity you have shown, but feel words will fail to capture our gratitude. When we first heard of Brittany’s Hope and their big-hearted donors, we were amazed…not only do you help bring children home through grants, you support the children still waiting for families and the areas in which they live.”

Helping to bring Luke home, was a Godsend. Even though he was born with club feet, limb deformities, and has a difficult time walking, he doesn’t let anything get in his way! He has a contagious smile and the sparkle in his eyes will capture your heart – just as you have done with ours.

“We chose the name Luke Shangheng because Luke means ‘bringer of light.’ It turns out this name could not be more perfect for him! His smile can simply light up a room as he has brought so much happiness and light to our family. His goofy faces and silly grins melt our hearts constantly. His middle name, Shangheng, is a combination of his two Chinese given names, as we wanted to keep his name prior to adoption and to honor his heritage. Shangheng translates to something like ‘eternal treasure,’ which of course he is!”

Because of your unwavering support, Luke is home with his family – forever. Thank you for providing the gift of love Luke has always deserved.

“…we would not have been able to bring Luke home without you and every day when I look at him, I think, ‘We could have missed this!’ We are so, so blessed by this boy, and grateful beyond words for the grant you gave us to bring him home to his forever family. We look forward to seeing our son continue to thrive, thanks to your generosity.”