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About The Fix Family
Michael & Wendy
Our daughter came home from China in 2014 and our son came home in 2015. We thought we were probably done adopting, without ever saying those words. But almost three years ago, China made changes to their adoption requirements. Many large families who want to adopt no longer qualify. When I realized we still qualify, knowing the need is great, the Lord began to give me a desire to adopt again, as I prayed daily about providing a home to another child – if it be the Lord’s will.
Mike and I have always been drawn to people with Down syndrome. When we were newlyweds, we assisted with a church bus ministry to pick up residents of a local group home. We still remember some of them by name, though they have all since gone on to glory. (Little did we know at that time, we would have a biological son with a genetic syndrome and cognitive disability in 1998: our son, Stephen.)
So, last year when a lady with Down syndrome started attending the church where we go and Mike is pastor, we made a new friend. Glenda is 63 (amazing!) and her favorite song is Jesus Loves Me. Whenever she is in attendance, Mike will be sure we sing that song as we close the service. Mike asks Glenda to come stand by him while we sing it and she beams ear to ear!
One Sunday after we sang with Glenda, I approached Mike and said, “I think you’d be an awesome Dad to a little girl with Down syndrome.” God had been stirring my heart for some time as I’d been thinking about this for a few months. Mike’s reaction surprised me when he grinned and said, “Why don’t you get started on that?” Ha! That’s all it took. Of course, we had some lengthy conversations since, but that Sunday, at the altar, is when it all started again.
What is a Brittany's Hope Adoption Grant?
Brittany’s Hope believes in the fundamental right of all children to have the security and love of a family. There are an estimated 153 million orphans living around the world (UNICEF – 02/2011). These staggering statistics are heartbreaking considering a large number of these children are special needs, who have little or no value in the eyes of their own country. They are left to languish in institutions, where they receive minimal care and live hopeless, helpless lives.
The cost of international adoption can be overwhelming and is only further compounded by the medical and accessibility costs a child with special needs presents. Our Adoption Grant Program provides grant monies while giving families the opportunity to assist Brittany’s Hope in raising funds so the next child may also be united with their forever family. The phrase “It takes a village to raise a child,” takes on new meaning as the “seeds” of the adoptive family’s friends, family and neighbors take root and help provide future families with adoption grants. With a gift to Brittany’s Hope, a donor’s monetary support of the Adoption Grant Program means double for the adoptive family.