Biking for Brittany
Virtual Race
Step 1
Sign up and complete this registration process. We’re on the Biking for Brittany Virtual Race Registration page. Go through the entire process- this is how you get your swag!
Step 2
Follow the link on the confirmation page, receipt, or visit and set up your personal fundraising page. The minimum fundraising goal should be $40.
Step 3
AFTER you create your personal page, you can join (or create) a team! In the upper right-hand corner of the page where your icon is, click that. You will see many things including your progress bar, how to post an update on your age, but at the bottom, two orange buttons – join a team or create a team.
* All minimum fundraising pledges must be completed by the deadline on June 17th to receive swag items in the mail! Don’t worry – once your minimum pledge is met, you can continue to fundraise until July 17th!