Board Self-Evaluation Evaluation: Board Self Evaluation Step 1 of 9 11% Name*Position*Member At LargePresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerMission/ StrategyBrittany's Hope mission and By-Laws are clearly written and reviewed regularly.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board has clearly defined goals and objectives related to the mission of Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board evaluates whether Brittany's Hope is making progress toward achieving its mission with appropriate frequency and level of attention.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board has clear goals and action steps resulting from relevant and realistic strategic planning.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments regarding any of the above statements. Programs/StaffThe Board is knowledgeable about Brittany's Hope's current programs.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree All Board members understand their role in advocacy activities.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The respective roles of the Board & the Executive Director are clearly defined & understood.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree A climate of mutual trust & respect exists between the Board & the Executive Director* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board sets expectations, qualifications, and selection of the Executive Director which are clear and written.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board is appropriately overseeing the performance of the Executive Director, including conducting an annual performance & salary review.* Yes Maybe No Comments regarding any of the above statements FinanceThe Board is exercising appropriate fiscal oversight, including ensuring that financial controls are in place, approving the annual operating budget, ensuring that the budget reflects priorities & monitoring financial performance during the year.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Goals for the current fiscal year and beyond are developed and approved by the board with the input of the staff.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board monitors & evaluates the results of fundraising efforts.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree An independent audit or review of Brittany's Hope's financial condition is conducted annually by a Certified Public Accountant.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The organization prepares an annual report which includes a statement of its financial position & is available to interested parties.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board Treasurer is appropriately qualified.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments regarding any of the above statements. NominatingNomination & appointment of Board members follow clearly established procedures using known criteria.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board's composition reflects a diversity of background, expertise, and other resources needed by Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The expectations for Board members are well defined & have been adequately communicated to new Board members.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board's size is appropriate, terms are limited, and elections are held regularly.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments regarding any of the above statements. ProceduresThe Board is meeting with sufficient frequency & duration to adequately conduct the affairs of Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree There is a provision for handling urgent matters between Board and/or Committee meetings.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board has the opportunity to discuss matters & ask questions of critical importance before decisions are made.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board is provided adequate information & resources for effective decision-making.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Minutes of Board meetings are created & distributed on a timely basis.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Standing Committees of the Board meet regularly & report to the Board.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Executive Committee reports to the Board on all actions taken.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree The Board has a conflict of interest policy in place.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree Self AssessmentFor the following 4 sections, please rate how well you believe YOU carry out each of the following roles and responsibilities. Mission/AdvocacyYou are knowledgeable about the mission, goals, and programs of Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You are aware of current trends & challenges in inter-country adoption & orphan care.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You are knowledgeable about Brittany's Hope's financial status, including performance under the current budget.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You understand what progress the organization has made over the past year towards achieving its mission as well as what challenges have been encountered.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You have promoted Brittany's Hope in a professional or personal interactions, and have acted as an ambassador for Brittany's Hope in business and social circles.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You understand what is expected of you as a Board member.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A Comments regarding any of the above statements. AttendanceYou attend Board meetings regularly* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You actively participate in Board discussions and deliberations.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You are an active member of at least one Board Committee.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You attend Brittany's Hope events & fundraising efforts, other than Board & Committee meetings.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A Comments regarding any of the above statements. Participation/ EngagementYou have thoughtfully completed the conflict of interest disclosure.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You read the Agenda and materials distributed before Board meetings.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You regularly read the newsletter, public policy alerts, and other materials distributed by Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You have found your participation on the Board to be stimulating and rewarding.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You believe you are appropriately and meaningfully involved in supporting the mission of Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You have made a personal financial contribution this fiscal year.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A You enjoy the Board camaraderie and success in advancing the mission of Brittany's Hope.* Strongly Agree Agree Not Applicable Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A Comments regarding any of the above statements. I would be better able to promote Brittany's Hope if I had (check all that apply) Updated Talking Points Ideas of how to use materials provided Specific tasks between Board meetings More training One of two opportunities to share information with key leaders (staff) a year. Other If other, please elaborateQuestionnaireAre you satisfied with your current Committee assignments?* No Somewhat Yes N/A You feel encouraged to present opinions and ideas at Board and Committee meetings.* No Somewhat Yes N/A Would you be interested in serving on a different or additional Committee? Finance Events Brittany's Ball Program Oversight Nominating Executive General Feedback & Comments Δ