“If Your Actions Inspire Others To Dream More, Learn More, Do More, and Become More, You Are A Leader”

John Quincy Adams

Our Board of Directors is integral in determining Brittany’s Hope’s strategic direction. Our leaders have the privilege and responsibility of shaping our initiatives, meeting four times a year. Get to know our leaders at Brittany’s Hope.

Lisa Stewart-Miller

Lisa Stewart-Miller, is the owner of A. Hunter Property Management, Inc., and blessed with two daughters. She has a strong commitment to her family and dedicating her time to assisting children in need, wanting them to realize how wonderful and loved they are, and providing assistance to help feed, educate and help them live up to their full potential and to realize what a special gift they are to the world. Lisa can be reached at stewartmillerl@brittanyshope.org.

Ethan McNaughton

An advocate of adoption, Ethan has been impacted immensely through the gift of adoption with both of his sons being adopted and he is an adoptee himself. Ethan is employed by North Group Consultants and serves the firm and its clients in many ways but mainly through accounting and financial reporting. Ethan has a vast knowledge of non-profit financial accounting through his previous roles in higher education. Ethan can be reached at mcnaughtone@brittanyshope.org.

Denisha Roberts

Brittany’s Hope grant recipient & physical therapist at Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center, Denisha is devoted to family, and making sure children around the world reach their full potential while feeling valued & loved. Denisha can be reached at robertsd@brittanyshope.org.

David Abel

Co-Founder, parent of 17 children, entrepreneur & father of Brittany (our organization’s inspiration), David is committed to serving the Lord by sharing his time, talent, and resources to make a difference for all God’s children. David can be reached at abeld@brittanyshope.org.

Billie Jo Devine

Longtime child sponsor and committed fundraiser, Billie Jo has witnessed firsthand how Brittany’s Hope programs can change a life. Billie Jo is passionate about making a lasting impact for children and families. Billie Jo can be reached at devineb@brittanyshope.org.

Naomi Fredlund

Owner of Life Changes Realty Group and mother of two children through inter-country adoption, Naomi is committed to living a life of impact, excellence, and involvement to make a positive difference. Naomi can be reached at fredlundn@brittanyshope.org.

Rebecca Cruttenden

A dedicated mom of three adopted children and a Brittany’s Hope grant recipient from 2003. Over the past seven years, she has raised money for adoption grants through her Ironman Events and Team Orphans. She, her husband Tom, and her children live in Rockford Michigan. Rebecca can be reached at cruttendenr@brittanyshope.org.

Teresa Roda

Born and raised in Lancaster in a spirited household along with her six brothers, Teresa is a graduate of Lancaster Catholic High School, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. She returned to Lancaster to be close to her large extended family, and started a Marketing Firm, Roda and Company. In addition, she has worked as Director of Strategic Operations and Director of Sales and Marketing, for Lancaster Businesses and now as Comptroller for her husband’s company, Strategic Solutions.

She and her husband, Kevin Keough, have a daughter Emma, who is the joy of their lives. When she learned about Brittany’s Hope, she knew she had to lend her talents to an organization that is so passionate about providing opportunities for children who are most at-risk. Teresa can be reached at rodat@brittanyshope.org.

Interested in Joining Our Board?

Email us at info@brittanyshope.org for more information.