
Donate on Behalf of the O'Connell Family!
About The O'Connell Family
In early 2017, I had the opportunity to visit China and help in an orphanage. I came home changed by the people and the joy I saw in the children. I often smile thinking of that time. That trip caused a stir in my heart to adopt from China, but I thought – ok God, one day, once I am married, I will consider it. As a Christian, I had struggled with being single and was confused with God’s plan and purpose with my life, so I spent years in prayer over becoming a wife and mother.
In late 2018, I came to understand that God was telling me that one day all my dreams would come true – I would be a wife and I would be a mother, but it may not occur in the order I had always planned. So, I took a step into God’s prompting. I surrendered these aspects of my life to God. What a beautiful year it has been watching God’s plan unfold in the adoption process.
In June, I was matched with a sweet three-year-old little girl. I love her so much already and I truly trust and believe she is God’s perfect plan to both making me a mom and giving her a family to be loved by. Becoming a mom is something I have always dreamed of; something innate in me and something I hope I will be good at. The adoption process for me has been a defining time in my walk with Christ. A time where I saw God show up in every step. When there was a hurdle in paperwork or a delay in a process, God prevailed in the process.
I believe that we as Christians, are called to care for all His children and I am blessed to be one step closer to traveling to bring my sweet girl home. I am excited for the future and to see this little girl go further than anyone here on earth would ever expect. I hope to see her experience joy, love, and kindness in ways she could never imagine.
What is a Brittany's Hope Adoption Grant?
Brittany’s Hope believes in the fundamental right of all children to have the security and love of a family. There are an estimated 153 million orphans living around the world (UNICEF – 02/2011). These staggering statistics are heartbreaking considering a large number of these children are special needs, who have little or no value in the eyes of their own country. They are left to languish in institutions, where they receive minimal care and live hopeless, helpless lives.
The cost of international adoption can be overwhelming and is only further compounded by the medical and accessibility costs a child with special needs presents. Our Adoption Grant Program provides grant monies while giving families the opportunity to assist Brittany’s Hope in raising funds so the next child may also be united with their forever family. The phrase “It takes a village to raise a child,” takes on new meaning as the “seeds” of the adoptive family’s friends, family and neighbors take root and help provide future families with adoption grants. With a gift to Brittany’s Hope, a donor’s monetary support of the Adoption Grant Program means double for the adoptive family.