Help Rebuild
The Home of Hope

It’s Time To Rebuild Success
In 2015, because of the generosity of many of you, Brittany’s Hope built the Home of Hope, to provide Hope for 70 boys who had been living in unthinkable destitution in the Kibera slums in Kenya. The Home of Hope has provided the boys with a place to call home–a group to call family–and a goal of knowing that they now have the support to become contributing members of society. They are the definition of our mission succeeding.
However, in February of this year, disaster struck our Ukweli Home of Hope in Nairobi, Kenya. When the boys returned home from school, they were faced with a terrifying sight: their only home was engulfed by flames. Suddenly, all they owned was gone.
Now we must rebuild. While the first floor remained unscathed, the second floor was destroyed. The total cost of the rebuild is $160,000, which includes the most immediate need of replacing the destroyed roof for $50,000. Please, help us restore this great Home of Hope–the home that has been so successful in the lives of these boys.
Levels of Support
$50 – Paint For The Walls
$100 – Replace Personal Items
$250 – Replace Windows & Doors
$500 – Home Furnishings
$1,000 – Beams of Support
$2,500 – Renovation of Dormitory*
$5,000 – Replace The Roof*
Any amount, even if it is not one of the needs above, will be instrumental in rebuilding the Ukweli Home of Home
*Commitments over $2,000.00 will have an opportunity to be offered a naming right to be publicly displayed at the Home.