From His Family- Greetings from Minnesota, the new home for Maverick. We cannot say thank you enough for all of your hard work to bring him to us. Thank you to all of the people who took part of this journey with our family, especially Brittany’s Hope without whose grant the adoption would not have been possible.
We could not have asked for a better match than Maverick. He is now a healthy three year old toddler. He is in dance classes and preschool, and has learned English so quickly. He has been on a cruise to Mexico/California and a trip to meet Mickey Mouse in Florida that was given to him as a gift from a family member. We are so blessed by his smiling face and his terrific personality. He has taught us the meaning of giving....I would give the world to any of my children and Maverick has showed that giving is 100% worth it. He is a bundle of joy who enjoys animals, traveling, family, etc.
Once again thank you so much. God has blessed us unbelievably. Keep up all the hard work bringing these children home. Who knows what our future will bring, maybe more children in our family, but right now little Mav is the apple of our eyes.